Your Story of Pain

"We spend the first half of our lives accumulating experiences, relationships, thoughts, and emotions. The second half of our lives are spent editing and removing what no longer supports our story. "

Chip Conley - Founder of the Modern Elder Academy

Pain follows a pattern in the story you tell yourself. Listen to the words embedded in your narrative.

  • Pic of man holding both hands over chest feeling pain.

    Feel it.

    Chronic pain


    Disconnection (from self & others)



    Mood swings

    Sleep issues

    Brain fog/lack of concentration


    Skin issues

    Sinus congestion/post-nasal drip

    Digestive issues



  • Pic of a man's arms reaching to the sky, palms open with hand cuffs around both wrists in bondage.

    Find it.

    Chronic inflammation

    Muscular tension patterns

    Oxygen deprivation to tissues

    Trauma wound

    Abandonment (from self & towards others)

    Self-protection patterns

    False (limiting) beliefs





    Conflict within

    Need for others’ acceptance

    Your innocence

  • Pic of dandelion flower with petals blowing away in the wind.

    Free it.

    Decrease in pain


    Functional wholeness

    Connection to self & others

    Healthy boundaries

    Your intuition


    Interoceptive awareness

    Empowering perception of past experience

    Power of the positive spoken word




    Your original design

What does tension on your nervous system look like in your life? Tension can sneak into your body in many ways:

Pressure from work.

Burden of responsibility demanded of you.

Strain around a relationship.

Unease just simply existing.

Apprehension because conflicted re: a decision.

Dilemma being ignored.

Edginess when around a certain person.

Over time this tension on your nervous system can burden your immune system when emotions are suppressed, causing many different physiological illnesses. Here are some examples:

Tension on joints can lead to restricted mobility, leading to osteoarthritis/rheumatoid arthritis, TMJ, ligament/tendon tears.

Tension on viscera can lead to organ decline/dysfunction, leading to all symptoms related to paradoxical breathing inhibiting the diaphragm, gut, or bladder ie. neck pain/strain, tinnitus, IBS/IBD, IC.

Tension on arteries, muscle tissue can lead to increased blood pressure, soft tissue adhesions, leading to migraines with/without aura, vertigo, nerve compression/pain, localized pain & tenderness, fibromyalgia, coronary artery disease.

Tension on adrenals can lead to hormone dysfunction, leading to fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, and/or diabetes.



Your story is nothing more than your perception of the experiences you have endured. This narrative you keep shapes your perception of the pain you experience in your body. Step back and listen - is your narrative shaped by how the world has tried to define you, or based on your truth? The world will label you with words that don’t belong to you. “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” Proverbs 18:21. Words are powerful, and shape your narrative. Negative words alter the energy of your environment. So do positive words. Your environment affects the very core of each and every cell in your body. The choice is yours.