Chronic Stress Defined
Healing of the mind must occur before attempting to heal the body.
"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7
Chronic Stress Defined: Q&A with Kai
When chronically stressed, do you feel less tolerant to normal daily situations? Perhaps you would agree you have a short fuse at these times, consequently experiencing an emotional outburst or debilitating pain? Handling a minor disagreement, someone cutting you off while driving, standing in kitchen while cooking a meal, staying asleep without waking up at night, or sitting in the car for 30 min on your commute? They can all have the same root cause and warrant the opportunity to be treated as such for optimal healing and transformation.
Sympathetic nervous system is in overdrive. The root of sympathetic overdrive is having your “sense of control” over your environment being challenged. This loss of balance with the parasympathetic nervous system over time causes “burnout”.
Too much cortisol “the stress hormone” has dysregulated your hormonal system. One of your 5 senses picked up something familiar. This familiarity connected with a past memory causing you to feel uneasy or anxious. Over time, without providing a sense of emotional security, “self-abandonment” occurs. This loss of balance with DHEA “the vitality hormone” causes emotional dysfunction.
Feel like your tank for tolerance is running on empty?
Do you feel like your body is beyond burnt out? Do you sometimes feel behaving emotionally dysfunctional is unavoidable in family/work/unexpected situations? This is what chronic stress on the body feels and looks like. It usually isn’t either/or, but more often both/and. Keep reading if this sounds like you!
Autonomic Exhaustion “beyond burnout”
Limbic Overstimulation “emotional dysfunction”
It’s time to take back what is yours.
Your position in life (who you were meant to be, what you were meant to possess) was robbed from you leaving you only confused, tense, stressed, and exhausted. The “unrightable” wrongs from ACE (adverse childhood experience), trauma, toxic relationships, and poor self-image (due to false beliefs) have run your mind, body, and emotions into the ground for too long. The time has come to STOP allowing your past to dictate your future well-being, and RISE UP. The storm has passed. SMILE. You survived. Your “true self” is right there within you, just like warmth is right there within the sun. Close your eyes. Imagine, YOU without feeling the baggage of stress throughout your body.
Yes, you have finally connected with who “gets you”. You belong here.