Root of Anxiety
“Stress” is negatively affecting us and robbing our minds, our hearts, and our bodies of peace, harmony, and undisturbed well-being."
Current stress is expensive. It is estimated to cost American businesses up to $300 billion a year.
Stress originated in childhood.
Do you lose sleep night after night, eating the SAD (standard American diet), working yourself to the bone? Have you sacrificed your identity, your relationships that mean the world to you, and all things full of meaning from societal pressure? The drive to succeed and “make it” is a demand that is very difficult to negotiate and balance throughout life.
Unrealistic expectations demanded by life at work, family issues/tragedies, toxic relationships or lack of boundaries, caretaking roles, or financial strain is a current stress. With current stress that has been prolonged, the damage on your body may be self-inflicted by you driving your own body too hard and pushing beyond your capacity causing behavior patterns that do not serve your highest good.
As stress wreaks havoc on your body, it will eat away at all things healthy and whole, including your mind and emotions. You owe it to yourself to break the cycle now. It is never too late to take charge and lead the way for what is possible with your future physical and emotional health. The effects of healing the outer self, by liberating the inner self will positively influence your world for generations to come.
Suppressed emotions from past hurts embed deep in your body, often originating from a damaged identity, usually occurring from childhood stress. These are categorized as ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences).
Chronic stress consisting of emotional and chemical stressors create the “perfect storm” by flooding your system at the cellular level with neurotoxins creating pain, dysfunction, and disconnection within.
I focus on the deep-rooted things chronic STRESS has stolen from you: your identity, intuition, vitality, sleep, strength, purpose, values, energy, peace.

The solution.
The solution is to take an upstream approach by focusing on the root cause of these stressors that have been driving your life internally (within) and externally (without). Hardwired patterns within you go unnoticed, creating vicious cycles of anxiety, pain, distress, and unease in your heart, mind, and body. Armed with tools and strategies, Kairos can join you in your journey of transforming your chronic stress and chronic pain into new-found vitality and energy, allowing you to be who you were created to be. Imagine being connected to your true self, engaging in activities you have avoided for years, coherent with your heart center, loving others from a place of authenticity, and nurturing what was once abandoned within you due to false (limiting) beliefs, unnecessary demands, ACE (adverse childhood events), intergenerational hurts, past mistakes, past tragedies, and past wrongs.