About Kai Aird

“Transform trauma into triumph.”


Get to know Kai.

Picture of the state of Florida with a red star displaying where Kairos Therapeutic Healing Center is located  in Jupiter, Florida.

What I do in a nutshell: I empower women struggling with chronic sensory processing disorders (like migraine) integrate a functional wholeness approach that heals deep emotional wounding, transforms shattered nervous systems, releases core tension patterns, and cancels the need for medication dependency.



Since 1998, I have been a licensed manual physical therapist and expert functional movement specialist based in Jupiter, Florida. Along the way, God led me on a path to conquer my own personal 22 year battle with migraine, related symptoms, and unresolved CPTSD. After going back to school I perfected the method to be your integrative physical therapist, neuro-sensory expert, & trauma-sensitive coach.

★Additional Certifications★ : Institute of Functional Medicine (AFMCP), Garric Vosloo’s Functional Medicine Fast Track, HeartMath Certified Practitioner & Trauma Sensitive Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Havening Techniques Practitioner (currently)

It’s now my passion mission to help you see yourself with kind eyes, wholeheartedly honor your feelings, trade tension for fearlessness, and move forward in life as your original design.

Why is it so HARD for me to be SOFT with myself?
— inner EMOTIONAL struggle leading to PHYSICAL tension

Grab a seat, I’ll share my story.

Born in the 70s (Gen 𝙓 girl here!) and a product of the 90s (❤️ the music & movies), I had tumultuous childhood with abuse & neglect in my home. Also being the scapegoat, I was very good at suppressing my emotions, and feeling responsible for the emotions of those around me. By age 1, IBS symptoms of bloating and stomach pain began, by age 22 episodic migraine with aura began. Fast forward another 22 years later - I had my “Kairos moment” - I came to a fork in the road when my emotional stress had peaked and so did the escalating symptoms. Migraines with aura were constant, IBS turned into IBD, chronic inflammation led to a tendon tear in my hip, and my hair even began to fall out in clumps. Blood tests, stool tests, and doctors just wanted to give me meds that didn’t help, so I had a choice to make. It seemed logical to start with my diet - I eliminated all sugar, dairy, and gluten for 9 whole months, began a series of supplements and was diligent and disciplined. My gut got a bit better, but the insomnia, muscle pain, and migraines were at an all time high. Doctors & specialists told me “it was stress, and I just needed to relax”. The medical community response just reinforced self-blame and shame, along with my unwillingness to honestly admit just how anxious & disconnected from myself I had become.  This drew me farther away from the key to receiving my life back. 

The loud harsh inner critic voice in my head had me feeling like I deserved all this pain & misery. At this point I honestly hated myself & I hated my life. That’s when I decided to put my big girl panties on even though I was still in pain everyday. I stopped being scared of my own vulnerability, began “owning the unknown” by walking out the steps that led to me to FEEL safe in my body, & trust myself for the first time. Bonding with my lost inner child allowed me to experience all emotions without judgement or fear. All it took was a few short months and the neuro emotional tension I was using to suppress all my negative & even positive emotions was released. The parts of me that were held in chains for decades were finally liberated. The disconnection from myself shifted from curt & cold, to curious, to compassionate, and finally to connected. My anxiety dissolved, I started sleeping, my chronic gut issues went away, and I stopped running away from myself. The migraines with aura got less intense, then less frequent until they just stopped coming altogether. The most important skill I learned was how to abort a migraine (without meds or devices) inside of 30 minutes all by myself with specific breath work, posture of authority, and specific mind-body declarations I created. In that AH! HA! moment I realized I could shift my mind-body out of survival mode at will. Emotional regulation now was possible. I no longer wanted to dismiss, deny, or ignore my feelings or my right to exist in this world. As I started to get to know me, I began to view myself and the world around me with a completely new lens.

Are YOU ready to begin your adventure towards functional wholeness? Are you ready to ditch your medications, misery, and medical bills for good? Courage to own the unknown & willingness to create space for what your body already has the ability to do is all you need to start. If you’re ready to give up the negativity and embrace your original design - then I’m your gal. It would be my honor & privilege to guide you towards your own personal neuro emancipation from chronic pain & receive what is already yours. Just imagine your mind free from pressure, your heart free from burdens, and your body free from tension. It’s been 4 years symptom free for me. What would your life look like symptom free for you? You had it once before, now it’s your chance to receive it again - this time embracing YOU with open arms. ❤️

In addition to my training here are some of those who have deeply impacted my healing journey and my method of reducing neuro emotional tension : The Bible, John E. Sarno, Gabor Mate’, Bruce Lipton, Stephen Porges, Maxwell Maltz, David D. Clark, Robert Sapolsky, Thomas Hanna, Moshe Feldenkrais, Bessel Van der Kolk, Deb Dana, Louise Hays, Candace B. Pert, Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Ronald Ruden, Margaret Paul, Joseph Murray, Norman Vincent Peale, James S. Gordon, and many others.