Purpose of Pain
"Your pain is a beacon of light to reveal your truth."
Are you ready?
Shakespeare said it well, “All things are ready if the mind be so.”
Your body, mind, and heart want and need your undivided attention. If you are ready to take a step towards healing the inner wound, it will be the most profound inner work you will ever do. This is the first step on your journey towards escaping your chronic pain that has previously failed with recycled conventional medicine, traditional therapies, truckloads of medication, the occasional surgery, or the never-helping bottle of bubbly. Cultivating a connection with the lost parts of you, discarding the lies you carry that have never belonged to you, and empowering your true self that has always resided deep down within you, allows you to become more than you ever dreamed possible in this lifetime. Unstoppable, undaunted, unhindered, and yes, minus all the lies, the pains, and the burdens.
Listen to Body
“How can I change/control the degree of tension I feel in my body? “
Through your emotions. Emotions engage your nervous system, changing your physiology. Your emotions are depleting or renewing and make up your “internal weather report”. Depleting emotions send poor quality (toxic) neurochemical signals to the brain, and your body receives those messages. Renewing emotions, on the other hand, send high quality neurochemical signals to the brain, regenerating the cells in your body.
Also through specific movements. Clinical somatic movements engage your nervous system affecting any strain hidden in your tissues. Pandiculation takes a body part with sensory amnesia (depleted oxygenation due to tension present) into sensory awareness (without tension having full motor control).
Understand Mind
“I am a very emotional person, my feelings control everything I do.”
You have been conditioned by your amygdala to react to your emotions, with immediate sympathetic fight/flight/freeze/fawn/fixate from past experiences. Your mind is trying to protect your body from the pain of your truth. In essence, it is creating a distraction by producing the pain. Triggers can have a conditioned response when subconscious patterns (based on protecting you from fear) are revealed and understood. The nervous system can be balanced when coherence is utilized.
Responsibility leads to freedom. Accepting your truth, is a choice. Start with awareness when you are triggered next time. Your “old narrative” can be protecting you in ways that no longer serve your highest good.
Nurture Heart
“I am battling my pain. I am determined to beat this.”
Your health and well-being are not meant to be fought, fixed, or figured out in an anxious frenzy out of sheer desperation. It only leads to disconnection/incoherence. What would it look like to lay down your battle weapons and be the referee to the inner war that wages within?
Psychophysiological coherence is achieved when there is harmony between the psychological (mental/emotional) and physiological (body) processes. Accessing the heart-brain axis opens the door to coherence and the subconscious mind. This is the key to navigating your emotional experience and allowing your perception of it to be refocused and restructured.
Your pain, does not define you. The first step can be getting out of your “doing” head and into your “being” heart.