Bespoke Therapeutic Options

Therapist directs as patient initiates healing practices that speak connection, homeostasis, and mitigation of pain.


Where is the imbalance?

It is important to understand the approach at Kairos does not just treat a disease or a dysfunction. We treat your unique relationship to your environment. Emotions, past hurts, beliefs, perceptions, stressors, triggers, even whether you feel love, connection, community, meaning, and purpose in your life will affect your environment and your pain. When we assess and treat, every aspect of you is carefully considered. Because we care about you. All of you.

  • Client led treatment choices allows freedom to follow intuition in healing process and begin development of agency.

  • Root cause is addressed by focusing on conflicts both internally and externally that create underlying state of anxiety and stress.

  • Environment, with energetic and emotional influence, will often be a catalyst in healing or a disruptor with inflammatory consequences.

  • Gut-brain and heart-brain intrinsic pathways are highways to connect your driveway to pain relief and emotional freedom in whole-person-care.


So what can you expect to achieve from Kairos?

Before Kairos :

Disconnection from Self Sympathetic Dominance Heavy Allostatic Load Physical Pain Fear Based Emotions


After Kairos :

Self-Connection Coherence/ ^HRV Homeostasis Agency Self-Regulated Emotions